A Message From Pastor Jen
God Keeps Promises Keep God’s Promises
As we enter a new year, I’d like to invite you into a new deeper relationship with God. The way to build a deeper relationship with God is getting to know WHO He is, then we can learn to trust God and the promises He has given us. Did you know that the bible contains between 3,500 – 30,000 promises from God, depending on who is counting?! The average count is 8,000! That is a lot of promises! And when God makes a promise, God keeps it! 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, “For every one of God’s promises is a ‘Yes.’ For this reason, it is through Him that we say the ‘Amen,’ to the glory of God.”
So, for 2025, each month I’m going to include in this page the Top 10 Promises of God in biblical order going to as many as the Top 100 Promises. If you want to look up the remaining several thousands, go for it! But I encourage you to make a commitment in 2025 to read and meditate on these promises of God so that you can come to know with greater revelation WHO our God truly is and how much God in Jesus Christ cares for YOU!
1. The Lord will fight for you (Exodus 14:14)
2. God’s mercies are new each morning (Lamentations 3:21-23)
3. God will renew your strength (Isaiah 40:31)
4. The Lord will help you (Isaiah 41:13)
5. The Lord will be with you (Isaiah 43:2)
6. God’s love will not be shaken (Isaiah 54:10)
7. No weapon forged against you will prevail (Isaiah 54:17)
8. You are free from darkness (Isaiah 61:1)
9. God will forgive your sin (2 Chronicles 7:14)
10. The Lord will never forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8)
God bless you and encourage you as you passionately pursue His promises!
Thank You from our Family to Yours
We are so grateful to you for your overwhelming kindness and generosity to our family this Christmas season! We are so blessed by the cards, gifts, love and support we regularly receive from you and in abundance from you this time of year! I thank God continually for the opportunity to serve as your pastor here at Redeemer. We love you and we thank you for demonstrating Christ’s love to us!
In Christian love,
Pastor Jennifer, Chris, Zachary and Zane
We will be taking down Christmas decorations on Sunday, January 5, 2025
after worship.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Frank Bird, Glen (Cowboy) Collins, Erica Williams, Charlie Meckel, Dorothy Zunker, Russell Bielke, Mary Jo Contreras, Dorothy Nell, Keane Rhodes, Cleven & Betty Engelhardt, Verna Dieterich
Happy Wedding Anniversary
No Mile Markers for the month of January
Please continue helping us to give special recognition and to honor these wonderful mile markers. If you know of someone going to be married 25, 40, 50 or more years, please let the Church Office know for that month’s newsletter.
We will take off the two winter months of January and February. We wish everyone a wonderful healthy New Year!!
Bring your favorite breakfast food to share and join in fellowship around food, faith & church family!
9:15-10:15 A.M.
On Sunday, February 2, Redeemer will have its Annual Congregational Meeting after worship. Please make plans to stay for that meeting. Your voice is important!
On Sunday, February 2nd during worship, we will be installing the 2025 Council Members and Officers of all of Redeemer’s Ministries.
2025 Church Council
President – Mike Schulze
Vice-President – Cody Canham
Secretary – Jessica Kurz
Treasurer – Ann Marie Lindley
Financial Secretary – Audrey Badders
Property & Maintenance – Derek Pawlik
Building Fund Treasurer – Steve Gangawer
Christian Education Rep – Tammy Haecker
Memorial Fund Treasurer – Diane Hunter
Hospitality – Lora Pape
Member at Large – Russell Bielke
Debbie Wiegand – Chair
Mayson Schulze – Secretary
Mary Jo Contreras
Don Denson
Charlie Luensmann
Phyllis Luensmann
Shari Moore
Barbara Strey
Vernon Winkelmann
Our Christmas luncheon was hosted by Jeanne Rawe where we elected new officers.
President – Jeanne Rawe
Vice President – Karen Wieters
Secretary – Audrey Badders
Treasurer – Susan Gray
We would like to thank everyone who came to the Sr. luncheons this past year, brought food, helped in the kitchen or gave a donation.
Thank you for all of your support and wishing everyone a Blessed New Year!
The 2025 offering envelopes are in the Social Hall on the back table. Please pick up. Those that are not picked up by January 26, 2025, will be in the Church Secretary's office where you may pick them up any Sunday. If you did not get envelopes and would like to have some, please let Marsha know.
Redeemer United Church Council Meeting Minutes – Condensed November 13, 2024
**A Q&A session for congregation members regarding the Proposed Constitution changes was held immediately before the start of the November 13 Council meeting, beginning at 6:30 pm.**
Caleb Rackley called the meeting to order at 7:50 pm. Not in attendance was Krista Saulter. OPENING PRAYER
Pastor Jennifer gave the opening prayer.
Minutes from October 17, 2024, meeting were approved as written upon motion.
No written report provided. Of note:
1. Thanksgiving Worship Service – Redeemer will host a joint service with St. John Lutheran Church in Marion on 11/26/24 at 7pm. A pie social will follow the service.
2. Trulight127 Ministries will hold their annual Christmas Bash on December 20, 2024.
3. Pastor Jen will be on vacation Sunday, 11/17, and Pastor Bryce from LCMC will fill in.
4. Music Minister Update – The position remains posted in various places and it has been sent out to local music and band directors, as well as Texas Lutheran University. TLU gets requests like this all the time. Council will consider the possibility of using a Church Staffing Agency to help find a Music Minister.
5. Pew Attendance Pads – Pastor Jen asked Council to consider putting attendance pads in the pews to better track guest and member attendance. Additionally, it will assist Council to determine if membership requirements are being met as proposed in the Constitutional changes.
Memorial Fund Report (as of 10/31/2024)
Balance of $85,893.56
Building Fund Report (as of 10/31/2024)
Balance of $42,532.03
Treasurer’s Report (as of 10/31/2024
Checking Account - $70,406
Money Market Account - $74,806
Balance of $145,212
Board of Christian Education (BCE) Krista Saulter presented the BCE Report. Of note:
1. November 24th will be the Angel Tree Set-Up, Movie Night and also Advent Wreath Craft at 5 pm. Youth and families invited.
2. 2025 VBS Dates – June 23-26, 2025 (closing on 6/29).
3. $791 was made from the Harvest Festival Bake Sale.
Property & Maintenance Report
1. The playground equipment needs to be treated. 2. A cable jack behind the PA system motherboard in the Social Hall is having issues. Caleb is going to reach out to vendor.
Harvest Festival Results Preliminary #s are as follows:
• 788 plates were sold = $11,832
• Raffle proceeds = $5,324
• Auction = $12,260
• Bake Sale = $791
Total Income $30,207
Expenses: $5,284.81
Net: $24,922.19
Worship attendance was up this year.
Status of Pastor Jen’s Driveway at the July 2024 Council Meeting, Council approved including parsonage driveway improvements as part of the parking lot reseal/stripe project. A $500 donation was made by a member of the congregation to improve the parsonage driveway, and Atkins donated the material needed for the work so there wouldn’t be any out-of-pocket cost to the church.
However, the driveway ended up requiring more significant work (digging it out and moving dirt to level the driveway). Therefore, an additional $1,700 was approved by Council at the October 2024 meeting to complete this project (to be paid out of the Building Fund). Pastor Jen indicated that the work will be done after Thanksgiving.
Q&A and the Status of the Proposed Constitutional Revisions Congregation members provided the following feedback for Council’s consideration:
1. Section 8.C. – Proposed revision is to reduce Staff Pastor Relations Committee membership from 9 to 6. One member stated that it should be an odd number (recommended 7). Also recommended was to add a sentence (or verbiage) that terms will be overlapping.
2. Section 8.D. – Remove SPR Vice Chairman (position not needed). Remove reference to Vice Chairman throughout document.
3. Section 9.C.3. – Change BCE Assistant Superintendent to Vice President.
4. Section 9.D.1 – Allow for members to serve on BCE indefinitely (roles are hard to fill).
5. Section 9.D.4 – Remove reference to BCE Assistant Superintendent.
6. Cemetery Discussion
a. Maintain a balance of $70K versus $100K in fund.
b. Disallow non-members entirely
c. Raise member rates.
d. General Fund pays half of cemetery maintenance (add as a line item in Faith Statement).
e. Rates for purchasing plots in advance versus at time of need.
• Regarding #1 directly above, Council will recommend SPR membership of 5.
• Council will incorporate #s 2, 3, 4, and 5 above into the proposed Constitutional revisions.
• Regarding Cemetery discussion (#6), Council will recommend:
o Leaving the minimum account balance at $100K. o Prohibiting non-members to purchase plots, but will build in some flexibility/discretion for special or extenuating circumstances.
o Raising member rates
o Adding a line item in the general fund to help with recurrent cemetery maintenance costs.
December Council Meeting on 12/12/24 Council will meet in the Fellowship Hall and dinner will be provided by Caleb and Tanya Rackley. New members Derek Pawlik and Tammy Haecker will be invited to join. Council will elect the Council President for 2025, and the new president will then lead/discuss election of remaining slate of new officers.
1. New pads will have to be ordered for the AED as someone opened the cabinet and opened them.
2. Cody will check into Fridge & Ice Maker Annual Maintenance.
3. There was some discussion regarding adding a second TV in the sanctuary (other side), but there was no consensus from the Council.
4. Council members volunteered for Totenfest assignments.
1. The December meeting has been moved to 12/12/2024 at 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.
January 5 – Second Sunday of Christmas
January 6 – Epiphany
January 12 – Baptism of Our Lord
January 19 – Second Sunday after Epiphany
January 26 – Third Sunday after Epiphany
January Birthdays
01-Sondra Harborth
03-Jeannie Koenning
04-Michael Wiederstein
06-Jim Rackley, Ava Harborth
07-Zachary Gold, Buster Strzelczyk
08-Elmon Wiedner, Wade Pape, Douglas Muenchow
10-Faye Reinhard
11-Duane Kutach, Steve Origas, Marion Denson
13-Loretta Corkran, Koert Zegels
14-Tim Schneider
15-Wyatt Kunde, Jr.
17-Audrey McDougal
18-Betty Surman
19-Jace Petoskey
21-Sharon Zillmann
22-Vivian Wilson
23-Derek Pawlik
24-Karl Harborth
27-Avery Corkran, Patti Dilworth, Michael Woerndel, Jamie Wells, Donna Torbet
28-Vicki Lassere
29-Tammy Haecker, Michael Nickel, Eli Guenther
30-Melvin Krueger, Shari Moore
31-Willfloyd Strey
January Wedding Anniversaries
03-Koert & Kayla Zegels
05-John & Jody Nichols
07-Kevin & Krista Saulter
11-Chris & Pastor Jennifer Gold
30-Darren & Kim Luensmann
ATTENTION Ushers and Greeters: Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the Church Service. (Two of the Ushers will hand out bulletins and the other one will be greeter.)
Bulletin Cost: $10.00. Please drop off your payment in the church office or place in the offering plate with notation for bulletins.
January 5, 2025 – Holy Communion
USHERS/GREETER – Church Council
LITURGIST – Beverly Muenchow
ACOLYTES – Cade Kurz & Matthew Sweet
ALTAR FLOWERS – Glen & Beverly Muenchow
BULLETINS – Ellie Potts
January 12, 2025 – Youth Sunday
ACOLYTES – Reese Thayne & Parker Missildine
ALTAR FLOWERS – Brogdon family
BULLETINS – Betty Surman
January 19, 2025
USHERS/GREETERS – Reagan & Jeanne Rawe & Lennert Steffen
ACOLYTES – Finn Rackley & Ella Maierhofer
ALTAR FLOWERS – Petoskey family
SIDE TABLE FLOWERS – Helen Luensmann family
January 26, 2025
USHERS/GREETERS – Jim & Gerry Rackley & Carol Lilie
ACOLYTES – Matthew Sweet & Ryleigh Hulett
ALTAR FLOWERS – Strey family
We are very appreciative of our church family. This journey has been hard and tough but your support, prayers and love have helped us in the hard and good times the last year. We appreciate the love offering that you have given us. This offering has helped us with the extra assistance that he needs during the day and other expenses that have come up here lately. It was a comfort knowing that your thoughtfulness and kindness has given us the strength to live each day to the fullest.
Carol and Russel Bielke
Some suggested donations needed…
Canned tuna Canned Chicken
Potted meat Mac & Cheese
Spaghetti sauce Pasta
Cereal Toiletries
Canned fruit Cleaning Supplies
Canned corn Juice
Canned vegetables Powdered Milk
Peanut butter Applesauce
Donations are always being received and can be placed in our storage room along the office hallway.
Sunday, January 5th
9:15 A.M. – Traditional SS
Sunday, January 12th
9:15 A.M. – Music & Youth Sunday
Sunday, January 19th
9:15 A.M. – Traditional SS & Potluck Breakfast
Sunday, January 26th
9:15 A.M. Mini VBS – All Ages
New Dates for VBS next year! Mark your calendars NOW!
Next summer, VBS has been moved to June 23-26 & 29.
Trek with us for on the ultimate Alaskan adventure, “True North” where we learn to trust Jesus is this wild world!
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