7415 Gin Road Marion, TX 78124
Are you looking for a church family? Are you looking for answers to life's difficult questions? Are you looking for something that is missing in your life?
We invite you to join us as we worship and walk through this journey of life together with God and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
You Are Forgiven
~ Jesus
March 16 (March 14, 1900)– Founder’s Day – Cookie Reception following worship
May 11 (Mother’s Day) – 125th Anniversary Panoramic Picture of Church Members following worship
May 18 (May 20, 1900)– Congregation Voted on the Name of the Church – acknowledge in worship
May 25 (May 29, 1952)- Remembrance of Memorial Grove – Worship in the Grove
October 12 (October 14, 1900)– 125th Anniversary Celebration – Special Worship Service with Appetizer and dessert reception to follow!
October 26– Harvest Festival – Recognition of 125th Anniversary – Beethoven Maennerchor German choir to come and sing and more!
Come be a part of history in the making! We commemorate Redeemer’s history to grab hold of Redeemer’s future! Thanks be to God!
Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 17
7 PM in the Sanctuary
Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 18
7 PM in the Sanctuary
Sunrise Easter Worship
7:30 AM Outside in the Grove
Easter Breakfast
8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Social Hall
Easter Worship
10:30 AM Sanctuary
*Both services include the tradition of "Flowering the Cross" and Holy Communion
April 13
Worship at 10:30AM with Palm Procession by children & youth
Easter Egg Hunt for Children following Worship
Bring your Easter Basket!
. This year’s mid-week Lenten topic is “Victory in the Valley!” We will take a journey through significant valleys of the Bible, engage the battles and the victories that took place there, all the while being encouraged in the Lord as we walk through our own valleys and seek God for victories in our own lives! So, join us each week! Here is the schedule….
March 5 – Ash Wednesday – Victory in the Valleys – Bible Verses about Valleys and How God brings Victory in the Valleys of our Own Lives
Worship 7pm in the sanctuary
Remaining Wednesdays in Lent – Meal is 6:30pm, Worship at 7pm – all in Social Hall
March 12 – Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37) – Ezekiel’s prophecy of restoration
March 19 = NO LENT SUPPER/WORSHIP – due to Pastor Jen being out for Spring Break
March 26 – Valley of Eshkol (Numbers 13 & 14) – Moses’ spies scouted the Promised Land
April 2 – Valley of Elah (1Samuel 17) – where David fought Goliath
April 9 – Valley of Death (Psalm 23) – where God comforts us in our own valleys
April 13 – Palm Sunday – Kidron Valley – Jesus crosses through on Palm Sunday
April 17 – Maundy Thursday (Revelation 16) - Jezreel Valley, also known as Valley of Megiddo – Battle of Megiddo also known as Battle of Armageddon is fought – Worship in Sanctuary 7pm
April 18 – Good Friday – Gehenna or Hinnom Valley – place that has become theological synonym for Hell - Worship 7PM in Sanctuary
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